
General News

3 February, 2024

Australia Day awards 'thoroughly deserved'

Gazebos stood at the ready as Hindmarsh Shire celebrated Australia Day, but fortunately the Rainbow and Jeparit ceremonies both concluded before the weather turned.

By Samantha Smith

Russell and Norelle Eckermann with their family. From left: Bronte Eckermann, Hayley and Matilda McPhee, Russell Eckermann, Norelle Eckermann, Shelby Appledore and Ashley Eckermann
Russell and Norelle Eckermann with their family. From left: Bronte Eckermann, Hayley and Matilda McPhee, Russell Eckermann, Norelle Eckermann, Shelby Appledore and Ashley Eckermann

Gazebos stood at the ready as Hindmarsh Shire celebrated Australia Day, but fortunately the Rainbow and Jeparit ceremonies both concluded before the weather turned.

Rainbow's ceremony at The Oasis began with the customary Lions Club barbecue breakfast at 8am.

It was a smaller than usual gathering - sadly, getting smaller every year - but Lions Club president Wayne Nitschke welcomed the attendees and council guests, Crs Brett Ireland, Ron Ismay and Rob Gersch.

Hindmarsh mayor Cr Brett Ireland paid respect to Cr Gersch's 40 years of service on council at both ceremonies, and thanked the local volunteers for their dedication towards organising the celebrations.

"Australia Day is a time to reflect, recall and celebrate," Cr Ireland said.

"How you celebrate depends on who you are and where you came from.

"We need to reflect on the contributions of those who came before us, and be thankful that Australia is a safe, stable and prosperous country."

Rainbow's guest speaker, Russell Eckermann, spoke about the progression of the Rainbow Rises Events Centre.

The concept of an off-road racing event in the Rainbow area was the brain child of Cr Ismay, and the first meeting to form a committee for the first event was held in 2017.

Mr Eckermann spoke about the difficulties running the events during the 2020/2021 Covid lockdowns, but said the races have raised the recognition of Rainbow, both in Australia and across the world, and bring a much-needed stream of revenue to the town.

He touched on the works constantly being done up on Bow Hill, including the recent $625,000 upgrades and access roads, and the new scope of events and activities being explored for the site.

Mr Nitschke then revealed there had been a "method in my madenss to ask Russell to be our guest speaker" - to ensure he and his family took time away from the farm and their various duties to attend the ceremony.

"It gives me great pleasure to announce Russell and Norelle Eckermann as the Lions Club Rainbow Citizens of the Year," Mr Nitschke announced.

"Both Russell and Norelle have worked together to make long-term contributions to the Rainbow community, including the schools, A&P Society, Enduro Committee, Fire Brigade, Pella Lutheran Church, and the Jeparit Rainbow Football Club.

"They also have willingly donated farm machinery to help community groups, such as sowing the Rainbow Common."

Mr Nitschke said the community would be "much poorer without the couple's hard work and dedication.

"The thing we respect above all else is that both are prepared to take on hard-to-fill leadership positions, and that they get things done," he said.

"Congratulations, and thank you Russell and Norelle for all you do in our community.

"You both thoroughly deserve this award.”

The couple expressed their surprise at receiving the award, and both said they are keen to see Rainbow continue to prosper.


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